Sometimes I have to develop softwares that send e-mails with reports of activities for tracking purposes, i.e., sending e-mails when a task is completed, the error log, this kind of stuff.
Being an old-timer, I like to use those signature graphs made out with characters, like below:
___ _ ___ _ _
| _ \_ | |___ _ _ | \ _____ _____| |___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ _| |_
| _/ || / _ \ ' \| |) / -_) V / -_) / _ \ '_ \ ' \/ -_) ' \ _|
|_| \__/\___/_||_|___/\___|\_/\___|_\___/ .__/_|_|_\___|_||_\__|
I remember being quite a pain writing those things, but for quite some time now, I use a nice website that provides me with this graphs when I need them.
It's called ASCII Generator, and it's free.
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