Why shadowing properties and methods is NOT a good thing!
I know it's old news but it's never too much to add emphasis on this:
Thou SHALL NOT shadow properties or methods.
And heres why.
Consider the following classes:
Class Class1
Property BaseProperty = " Base Property "
Overridable Property OverridableProperty =
" Overridable Property "
End Class
Class Class2
Inherits Class1
Shadows Property BaseProperty = " Shadow Property "
Overrides Property OverridableProperty =
" Overriden Property "
End Class
Pretty simple and basic.
Now, consider the following method:
Sub Main()
Dim c1 = New Class1
Dim c2 = New Class2
Console.WriteLine("c1.BaseProperty = {0}", c1.BaseProperty)
Console.WriteLine("c2.BaseProperty = {0}", c2.BaseProperty)
Console.WriteLine("CType(c2, Class1).BaseProperty = {0}",
CType(c2, Class1).BaseProperty)
Console.WriteLine("c1.OverridableProperty = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("c2.OverridableProperty = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("CType(c2, Class1).OverridableProperty = {0}",
CType(c2, Class1).OverridableProperty)
End Sub
And its result:
c1.BaseProperty = Base Property
c2.BaseProperty = Shadow Property
CType(c2, Class1).BaseProperty = Base Property
c1.OverridableProperty = Overridable Property
c2.OverridableProperty = Overriden Property
CType(c2, Class1).OverridableProperty = Overriden Property
And that's why, young Grashopper, you should never shadow properties or methods.
You have no control over what's the user will do.
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