Unable to read Code Analysis output report

I've came across a strange error today.

After compiling my code, Visual Studio reported the following error:

Unable to read Code Analysis output report. 
Make sure that the directory is writable 
(default is the project output directory).

A search on the net brought nothing that could help me solve this problem, so I decided to do some tests.

First of all, the setup of my application and developer environment:

  • VS 2010, running on Windows 7 - 64bits edition
  • Simple web application and console application in a single solution

What prompted the error was that I wanted to use the IntelliTrace to help me debug my application, and to do so the application needed to be compiled against a x86 cpu, instead of the generic Any CPU.

To achieve this, I used the Configuration Manager to create a specific configuration for the x86, therefore making the pairs Debug/x86; Debug/Any CPU; Release/x86 and Release/Any CPU.

After a cleaning the solution and recompiling the application, I got the error when compiling against the x86 configuration.

Then, I selected the Any CPU configuration and the compilation went smoothly as it should have been.

I have no idea the true cause of the error, but I believe that it has something to do with the fact that when compiling against a x86 the output folder is setup automatically to something like:


Instead of the usual


Because of this, I think that the Code Analysis is searching only the bin\Debug folder instead of the proper folder for the compiled assembly.
