Back into the fold

For more than the last ten years, I've been offline.

Not by choice.

The reasons for that are... complicated.

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

And as I don't want to commit genocide, I'll refrain myself from talking.

But, after this very long hiatus, I'm back into the fold.

Older and, I hope, wiser.

Returning after this long away from what was once called the “Information Super Highway,’ I realized that I lost a lot of things -- digital, electronic things.

I lost my email, my site, my blog, pretty much my digital life. And I'm struggling to get it back.

This blog is proof that I got something back. Every post in this blog prior to this date is a recuperated post from my previous (digital) life.

My former email, I believe, is gone for good. I could not recuperate for the life of me. Part of it is my fault. I had two different emails: one on Google and another one on Yahoo; and I set each other as recovery emails, setting the Google one for Yahoo and the Yahoo one for Google. And now I'm stuck in a loop where I can't reach either.

Other than the few blog entries I recuperate here, the only other item from my previous (digital) life I recovered was my StackOverflow account.
