Removing the version command from System.CommandLine

The System.CommandLine library is a powerful tool for building command-line interfaces (CLIs) in .NET applications. It simplifies the process of parsing command-line arguments, options, and subcommands. However, the default parser adds a version command and a help command, which might not always be desirable for every CLI application. Although there's no way to directly remove said commands, you can create a parser without them:
var root = new RootCommand(ResourceStrings.RootCommandDescription)
     * More subcommands

 * Create a new CommandLineBuilder
 * without the version and help commands.
var cmdBuilder = new CommandLineBuilder(root)
        //  .UseVersion()   // Commenting out the Version command
        //  .UseHelp()      // Commenting out the Help command
 * Builds a parser.
var parser = cmdBuilder.Build();

 * Parse the command line arguments
So you can create your own “default” parser, and be happy.
